I don't know if this is normal but school is taking over my life.
It just eats up so much, can't wait until I get my licence.
Actually, its not even school either, I try and do homework but tv and Larissa on msn tempt me away from it.
Can't write anything right now.
Its midnight and I gotta get up at 6.
S9ome of the pics are different colours cuz I accidently left the camera settings too red.
Also, anyone over the Alexander Wang trend?
I havn't actually gone "Hey, I'm gonna base today's outit on him today!" until..Well, today.
Overrated? Trend that'll stay forever/a long time? Loving it?

I don't know if this is normal but school is taking over my life.
It just eats up so much, can't wait until I get my licence.
Actually, its not even school either, I try and do homework but tv and Larissa on msn tempt me away from it.
Can't write anything right now.
Its midnight and I gotta get up at 6.
S9ome of the pics are different colours cuz I accidently left the camera settings too red.
Also, anyone over the Alexander Wang trend?
I havn't actually gone "Hey, I'm gonna base today's outit on him today!" until..Well, today.
Overrated? Trend that'll stay forever/a long time? Loving it?

I love your outfit but I also adore the excellent piece of furniture in the background. How lovely!
I just love those shoes!
And of course your hair are to die for!
Your stunning, your skirts amazing!
cute !
im sooo inlove with your bag!
So cool fotos. congratulations.
Such a cute outfit.
Come see mee
oh yes i know what you mean, alexander wang is perfection
super cute, very alexander!
i love the look... and i want your weather!
I definitely enjoy alexander wang's styling. leather and grunge is big right now.. and in my opinion he had a lot to do with it. I doubt it'll be the exact same stuff, but i'm really looking forward to seeing where he takes things next... follow the models they'll show us the way.
I don't if I'm over it or not. I mean I really do like some of his pieces and his shoes and bag line are crazy hot.
So I guess to put it bluntly, I'm sticking around Alex. W for as long as he keeps making clothes that I find appealing.
hey, I know this is kindof out of the blue...but you know the sight
K, well I am sort of obsessed with it...and I know that you have an account (you have been at the top of the list before) and I've tried to get an account for like a year now...but I don't have a invitecode...think you could help me out??? the shirt (:
I LOVE THIS! super freaking cute :)
You really have the best style !
Love this outfit! Who makes your skirt?
It's funny how slowly people start to get sick of all the AW hype...sad though in the sametime too. I love your outfit and the school stress will mellow down, I promise!
hey do you sell some o your old stuff on ebay?
who takes your pictures?
Love all your clothes!!!!
I love your blog and you always have the coolest style.
I was just wondering how you wear your high heels. I'm a pretty short girl myself and it always kills my feet.
im not over alexander, but im kind tired of seeinghis pieces on every single fashion blog i go to.
recently, i came across your lookbook and then ended up on your blog, then was even pathetic enough to read most of your entries.
far too much spare time on my hands haha, and yet i proceed to comment you telling you how i'm practically a stalker.
well i'm not don't worry! i would actually kill for your wardrobe, your my age and you can afford designers :( my mum would slaughter me for asking for something so expensive.
anyway, i also noticed that your indonesian, well high-five girlie friend, i'm half indonesian myself! and your new hair actually persuaded me too get that colour done to mine, it's lush i love it.
enough of me blagging anyway, hello essay x
Hey guys, just letting you know I'm going to work on answering all your questions in one post Sorry! I have waay too many school assignments >.<
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