I already have the dress.
Now all I need is the leather jacket ;D
I highly doubt I'll be getting it due my debt for the car I bought being extremely hefty.
I have to get a job when I can actually start driving it.
School photo's tomorrow!
They said we're not allowed to wear makeup we don't normally wear so I'm not sure if I should go natural, like I do at school or put eyeliner, like I do outside of school.
I think Im gonna go eyeliner.

Now all I need is the leather jacket ;D
I highly doubt I'll be getting it due my debt for the car I bought being extremely hefty.
I have to get a job when I can actually start driving it.
School photo's tomorrow!
They said we're not allowed to wear makeup we don't normally wear so I'm not sure if I should go natural, like I do at school or put eyeliner, like I do outside of school.
I think Im gonna go eyeliner.

the dress is stunning. and the jacket is just the perfect de-girlifier. if you know what i mean. :)
where's it from?
Mode Junkie: All from Sportsgirl :)
aww, my friend has that dress in black, she wore it to the formal :)
i have my school photos tomorro too!
Where is that dress from?
I'd say go with the eyeliner, 'cause you don't want to regret looking ugly or whatever (not saying you're ugly without eyeliner), but that's how it is for me. So I guess whichever you think makes you look prettier, go with that one :]
Ivy:Sportsgirl :)
love that jacket.
and go for the eyeliner!
my god the jacket is really to die for! hope you can get it!
what kind of car did you get?
Oh I love that dress and jacket.
I love the dress
i love the dress, impressive job by sportsgirl. and i vote go the eyeliner :) xx
I love the dress,and look at the raffle around the neck...that was very beautiful..
And that jacket is very fab..i'll go w eyeliner.=D
That dress is AMAZING. Ruffles = love.
Hi mega, cool name btw. Anyways jus wondering how much the dress cost?
actually nevermind, just found it on the site, it's listed under tops not dresses lol
Elle: Thanks! It was $130 AUD.
hey mega, thats cool you bought your own car what car did you buy?
Anonymous: Ford Fiesta, 2005 model. It doesn't matter if I crash this one xD
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